0.7.1 Update - July 31, 2023

Hi all,

Pushed an update today that has some bug fixes reported by people, and I thought I might as well include a bigger change I was working on as well, which is that now you start with 7 essence in the first 3 ranks. So far I think it feels good this way, but let me know if you agree! My idea was to bring the choices in early games down from 3 buys per preparation phase to 2. This also makes the battles shorter (they were feeling pretty long for the early game). 

I also went ahead and removed the retaliation unit from the game for now. This is because it's "on attacked" distillation was causing a lot of problems. I'll have to think about whether that distillation is balance-able, and if I can add it back in. Things are really connected in a lot of ways now!

Thanks for playing!

~ Mickey

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