Possibility Space is a word game about exploring the possible outcomes of a conversation. 

You will know you've experienced everything when the interface reads "100% explored". You can stop playing, or go back and read through the conversation.

This game was included in the game anthology, Indiepocalypse #49: https://pizzapranks.itch.io/indiepocalypse-49 

A spinoff game called occident was released as part of the 2024 Confounding Calendar: https://confoundingcalendar.itch.io/

I was inspired by some thoughts about narrative games, their branching, and some ideas I've had about making players interact with the actual stuff of the narrative (the words) in an attempt to mesh narrative with mechanics in a way that forces people to actually read the writing! (maybe hehe)

Created for PIGSquad Summer Slow Jam 2023: Narrative - I had a game play sketch of this mechanic completed prior to this jam, along with the music and some sounds. I used the jam theme of Doomsday along with the motivation of the jam to help me turn it into something finished. The theme made me think about how having difficult conversations can sometimes feel like the end of the world.


Programming, design, music by mickey

Special thanks to Hannah for feedback

Bell sound effect by bolanoschamorro: https://freesound.org/people/bolanoschamorro/sounds/569934/

Paper sounds effects by slamaxu: https://freesound.org/people/slamaxu/sounds/509878/

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
AuthorNew Beings
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsExperimental, moody, Narrative, poetry, Word game


PossibilitySpace_Windows.zip 36 MB

Development log


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Found this game through the Indiepocalypse Bundle. I really liked the idea and although it was short, It was really fun to play through!

Thanks so much for playing, and for taking the time to comment, and make a video! I really appreciated being able to watch someone play and talk through their thoughts : )

should really be made into a full game or at least a bigger one

thank you 💗


Just came here via the link on "occident", and while I was ambivalent about that one, this one I really like.  Both the "words left unspoken" narrative device and the "how could this conversation have gone" device are very cool!

Thank you!


The idea of the leftover words telling their own story is really powerful—I’d love to see this concept fleshed out in a full release.

I know you posted this 5 months ago, but I kind of spaced on this. Thanks so much for playing and taking the time to leave a comment 💗


Very interesting concept that is fun and calming to play. Noticing what words are left behind unusaed in each window helps paint a more indepth narrative than just plain dialogue.



Great little game. Felt like I stumbled into a tough parent/child conversation after the kid messed up somehow. Could deff see this working very well with branching narratives based on different words being used. Since at some point I kinda brute forced my way lol by just matching the blanks w/ which words had matching letter counts.
